Welcome/About Me!


Welcome to The Busiest Bee Garden! Here you will find all sorts of information and resources to help you and your garden grow successfully. If there is a topic you would like to have covered in a future post please feel free to suggest it through the contact us section of the blog or through our social media. I can’t wait to start growing with you!

About Me

Hello, my name is Courtney and I’m the voice behind The Busiest Bee Garden. I grew up gardening with my grandparents and parents as a young child. Coming from families that valued hard work but also struggled for money made it necessary to have at least a small garden each year to help feed the families. I have fond memories of being able to visit my maternal grandparents one weekend and enjoy fresh tomatoes and the next weekend being able to visit my paternal grandparents and enjoy some fresh fruit and learn how to make jams.

The need for a garden to provide food soon blossomed into a love and passion for being outdoors and in my own garden, especially after my parents divorced and resources grew even smaller.

I would spend hours outside of school working in my garden preparing the soil, planting seeds, pulling weeds, watering, and harvesting in a 1000 square foot garden. I loved working hard and seeing the success of that labor at the end of the season. 

When I started college for the first time, the garden space was cut back to only a couple hundred square feet since I was aways during the spring and fall times and couldn’t maintain a large area while I was away. Once I finished college I was able to begin expanding again and repairing the soil from a few years of no maintenance. 

Each year I try to challenge myself and push the boundaries of what I know. In 2022 I made my final garden expansion (at least for this property I’m on now!) and gardened over 2000 square feet. It certainly came with its challenges but was very rewarding and I can’t wait to keep pushing forward.

I’m excited to share my passion and knowledge with you so that we can all enjoy a successful garden each year.